Wednesday 9 July 2008


If this film really does go ahead with all these people involved I may faint from excitement.

Clockwise from top left: Thomas Sangster, Steven Moffat, Tintin and Snowy, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Andy Serkis.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Alone on MSN

Antimini says:
Angie says you're there. Are you there? Is she lying to me? Have you blocked me? Do you hate me. Oh dear.
Antimini says:
(yes I know I'm not here but I am really)

Antimini says:
I think probably it's the hate
Antimini says:
It is the hate
Antimini says:
My other brother blocked me on msn you know
Antimini says:
I think maybe he hated me
Antimini says:
He said he didn't after. It was just a phase maybe. He hasn't unblocked me though.
Antimini says:
You're a bit old for a phase.

Antimini says:
I'm appearing offline. But that's alright. That's just normal healthy hiding from people.
Antimini says:
But blocking is mean. Coz it says 'I hate you!'
Antimini says:
Everyone except Angie apparently

Antimini says:
I like appearing offline although I have of course begun to realise that so does everyone else meaning we never actually talk to each other.
Maybe i should just block people I don't want to talk to too. That would be kinda clever I spose. But that only makes sense if other people do the same. Just thinking about myself it makes no difference and I prefer hiding.

Antimini says:
If you don't answer me I will post this on the interwebs.
Antimini says:
If you've blocked me, are you even getting this?
Antimini says:
Oh man I'm talking to myself again aren't I? *sigh*
Ah well. At least the internet is my friend.

Antimini says:
Angielala says:
ADeAdMan - "Go then. There are other worlds than these." says:
when she comes online, the she gets unblocked (i#m actually maybe slightly crazy aren't I (

Antimini says:
like me.


Friday 4 July 2008

Time is an illusion

Good morning blogosphere!
Or is that good night? It does get so hard to tell.

I went to bed last night knowing that, being back at home after a looong and gorgeous cantabrian holiday, I would need to get up the next morning to do the animals. Leaving them locked in the dark and starving until my usual getting up time of midday is considered bad form, so, I told myself that I had darned well better get to bed at a semi-decent hour and get my sleeping patterns back in order!

Then I found some ever so helpful and considerate suggestions from YouTube that distracted me for a teensy while. Then I found the whole of the BBC miniseries 'Casanova' on YouTube. It's awesome. Really awesome. In fact it's 172 minutes of awsome. That's some quite time-consuming awesome there.

It's now almost 5am and the sun is rising and I'm wondering whether it would really make that much difference if I just waited a little while then did the animals before going to sleep.

So I shall bid good morning to you and a variety of chickens, turkeys and pigeons, and then go to sleep. Good night!