Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Alone on MSN

Antimini says:
Angie says you're there. Are you there? Is she lying to me? Have you blocked me? Do you hate me. Oh dear.
Antimini says:
(yes I know I'm not here but I am really)

Antimini says:
I think probably it's the hate
Antimini says:
It is the hate
Antimini says:
My other brother blocked me on msn you know
Antimini says:
I think maybe he hated me
Antimini says:
He said he didn't after. It was just a phase maybe. He hasn't unblocked me though.
Antimini says:
You're a bit old for a phase.

Antimini says:
I'm appearing offline. But that's alright. That's just normal healthy hiding from people.
Antimini says:
But blocking is mean. Coz it says 'I hate you!'
Antimini says:
Everyone except Angie apparently

Antimini says:
I like appearing offline although I have of course begun to realise that so does everyone else meaning we never actually talk to each other.
Maybe i should just block people I don't want to talk to too. That would be kinda clever I spose. But that only makes sense if other people do the same. Just thinking about myself it makes no difference and I prefer hiding.

Antimini says:
If you don't answer me I will post this on the interwebs.
Antimini says:
If you've blocked me, are you even getting this?
Antimini says:
Oh man I'm talking to myself again aren't I? *sigh*
Ah well. At least the internet is my friend.

Antimini says:
Angielala says:
ADeAdMan - "Go then. There are other worlds than these." says:
when she comes online, the she gets unblocked (i#m actually maybe slightly crazy aren't I (

Antimini says:
like me.



  1. Typically you quote the line where I make all the spelling mistakes and look like an idiot. I call bias in this report!

  2. Having looked into the funding sources for this report and investigating all undeclared affiliations we have found this representation of adam as a crazy illiterate typo monkey to be fair and accurate. The conclusions of this report are final.


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